Hoffman Institute International Apps

Hoffman App
** Download the app and select your preferredlanguage. Available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italianand Portuguese. **Here at Hoffman we’ve come up with the perfect solution to keepingthe Process alive in your life - the Hoffman App.This App gives you the chance to stay connected to your Hoffmanexperience. You can work through the tools, express how you feeland receive ongoing Hoffman support and encouragement. Almost likehaving a Hoffman teacher in your pocket!It’s quite normal that when you leave the Process you are full ofcommitment to practice the tools on a daily basis. But as time goeson, we sometimes hear that people have forgotten how to use thetools, or ‘don’t have time’.We are now able to provide you with an App that gives you ‘Tools atyour Fingertips’.- How are you feeling today? Try our Feeling Wheel: Type in howyou’re feeling and spin the wheel and a top tool or suggestion willbe given to you as if by magic.- Caught in a Vicious Cycle? Use our Vicious Cycle drawing tool towork your way out of negative behaviour. You can even share yourexit strategies with your friends!- Having a Dark Side attack? Banish those unwanted messages bytaking control and erasing the Dark Side from your day. Use yourfingers to physically erase the image of the dark side until it hasall gone. You can do this as often as you wish.- Good Morning Quad! Your App will guide you through a Quadcheck-in either as an audio meditation or you can follow writteninstructions. You can archive your experiences and track yourdevelopment days later.- Need to express that pattern? Imagine the chance to hold theyellow Wiffle bat in your hand again. Well now you can with ourBashaker Tool! Grab your phone in two hands and spend some timefocusing on and expressing energy associated with a negativepattern. Release the energy but don’t release the phone!- Caught in a Transference? The Hoffman Transference tool can guideyou through the steps to acknowledging a transference and lettingit go. The person you’re expressing a transference to doesn’t evenneed to know what you’re doing!Other tools include a place to write a daily Journal or add imagesto your Vision Board. The App gives you space to record and sharethoughts and inspirations with your friends or via socialmedia.And if you want a quiet moment away from the noise of the worldaround you the App provides you with several Audio Meditations fromaround the world. Listen to Recycling or a Centering Visualisationor enjoy a Light Journey or I am that I am.